Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Five Day Detox to rev up your engine: Day one.

Day one:

Started my day with a glass of water and slice of lemon.
Power Berry Banana Smoothie

1 cup mixed berries
1 banana
1 cup vanilla almond milk
1 scoop plant based protein powder

Midmorning snack:

1 apple
2 tablespoons raw, pure peanut butter


Kale Tofu strirfry:
1 tablespoon olive or coconut oil
2 cups Kale
1/2 tray whole white mushrooms
5 oz firm tofu
2 slices onion, chopped
2 cloces garlic, chopped
1 cup brocolli, chopped
Stirfry above with black pepper, sea salt and mixed herbs to taste
Garnish with sprouts and choped cherry tomatoes
Serve and enjoy.

Midafternoon snack:

1 cup soy yoghurt ( or greek yoghurt if you eat dairy)
Garnished with a few coconut chips


Quinoa and Lentil Stir-fry:
Serves 2
1 cup Quinoa cooked
1 cup precooked lentils
1/4 onion
4 garlic cloves
1 cup broccoli
2 cups Kale
1/2 orange bell pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil
Salt, pepper, Italian herbs, Braggs aminos
Stir-fry above and place on a bed of quinoa

Pinch of baby greens
1/2 avocado
4 cherry tomatoes
Garnish with sprouts
Balsamic vinegar for salad dressing

Very tasty, nutritious and satisfying!

Other considerations:
4 mile run
Toning exercises
Epsom salts soaking bath 

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